We are currently all systems go for September 19th. Registrations are getting heavier each week. It’s important that we point out some factors about the ride and the precautions that have to be in place for city and state approvals for this event. If we don’t comply then we can’t hold the event. Please take note of the things we are doing.
- You must register on or before 9/12. This way we have time to plan on the exact number of those registered to space things properly. We are limiting riders to 400 total, normally we have over 600. Once 400 is reached registration will close. If you plan to come, don’t put off registering. We’re already approaching the half way point with a month to go.
- No Jamboree. The city has cancelled this event until next year. Local bars and food places will be open but we don’t know capacities yet per state and county restrictions.
- Check in will be non-touch. Your registration receipt will have a QR code that we will scan at the Landon’s check in point. You will be handed your bib number at that time. You can pick up your T or Jersey that was pre-ordered then or when you return from your ride at the same place.
- Face masks are requested by all riders before the ride starts. Bring it and you can stow it in your jersey pocket while you ride to use at rest stops. Please help us by complying.
- We will line up along Johnson Street in rows of 10 with defined distancing between rows and no physical contact between rows of riders. Distance high-five if you want.
- Long riders 64+ distance will start. Start time will begin at 8am sharp with the first group of 100 riders. Then the next group of 100 will move forward into the starting area and when ready, they will go, then the next group. We’ll know in advance how many for each ride distance and will mark it accordingly and as clearly as we can. Volunteers will help.
- There are 8 rest stops along the route. Only prepackaged snacks like energy bars and gels will be available for pick up. There will be sanitizer and gloves available should you want them. Water will be bottled only.
- All SAG trucks and rest stops will have air pumps for you to use.
- The ride SAGs and support will go until 2pm. This is normal for every year. Choose a ride length to get you back in time. If you only go 12mph then the 74 mile ride isn’t for you. We will do a sweep to pick up those needing assistance.
- When you return you can pick up your shirts or ride wear orders by 2pm where you registered.
- No showers will be available after the ride this year.
- It’s still going to be a blast. We’ll be posting a guide to area restaurants and bars in downtown.
The funds from this ride, like every year, are distributed to numerous charities in Greenville and Hunt County from the Rotary Club. They are really in need due to canceled fund raisers this year. Your participation helps us help them and you can have fun doing it.
If for any reason you need to cancel your reservation please do so before 9/12. There will be no refunds after that date. As the ride may well be full, we need to make room for others. Cancellations with full refund requests email: cpc.refund@greenvilleweb.net.